Active Threat Incidents are difficult to think about and difficult to discuss. We are all aware of what they are and hope we are never involved in one. We must all be prepared to handle such an incident. We can develop plans and procedures. We can simplify them so they are easy to remember. We can test them to be sure they work.  

The idea is to try and prevent an incident from happening. However, if the incident occurs, we need to minimize the damage that occurs. One area that we often fail to prepare ourselves is with our own mindset. You may have excellent plans and procedures in place, but do you have the mental ability to follow through with your plan? Do you have the mental ability to survive? The answer is yes. 

MCSO has been offering active threat training to businesses in our community for years; but one of the greatest challenges law enforcement encounters with training is how to get the training/information out to everyone. MCSO developed partnership with Paychex to assist the company in finding a way to train all of its employees on this important topic. Not just locally, but nationwide and globally. Paychex has always been a leader in our community. We are appreciative of its lead once again to educate its team and its willingness to make the video available to our community. We now have the ability to offer this training to anyone that is interested. The video offers guidelines that you can follow to help develop a plan for an active threat incident. RUN, HIDE, FIGHT!

MCSO has taken training to another level to include:

  • Developing the proper mindset
  • Expectations from Law Enforcement
  • How you can assist Law Enforcement

This training is not business specific. You can take what you learn and apply it anywhere. Please share this video with your business or community organization.