Hilton, NY (March, 22, 2023) On March 22, 2023, at 8:38 in the morning, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office was notified of an anonymous email stating explosive devices were placed in the Hilton Central School District Office, the Superintendent’s residence and multiple school buildings. We started our investigation and began gathering resources. At 9:02 a.m., the school district was notified and MCSO and the Hilton CSD worked together to ensure the safety of the students, teachers and staff. Deputies secured all of the schools and after consulting with the Sheriff’s Office, the Hilton CSD made the decision to cancel the school day and send everyone home. Arrangements were made to reunite the almost 5,000 students and staff with their families in the most safe and efficient manner possible under these circumstances. K9 units and Hazardous Device Technicians from MCSO and our law enforcement partners searched multiple buildings and no explosive devices or hazardous materials were located. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Section is investigating the source of this threat and will continue to do so, and we will share the results of our investigation with the school district and the community.

We understand how concerning this can be to the public, school staff and students, and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will be providing special attention to the Hilton Central School District Schools and the other schools within Monroe County. Additionally, we will continue to coordinate with school district leadership across the county for the safety and security of all of our schools, students and staff.

Thank you to the Hilton Central School District, Hilton Fire Department, Rochester Police Department, Greece Police Department, Monroe County Fire Bureau and local media for their assistance. We appreciate the patience of our community during this lengthy investigation. We appreciate the FBI and ATF for their assistance as we evaluated this threat.